Ucapan Tahun Baru 2016 Bahasa Inggris – Sahabat Pustakers pada kesempatan kali ini Pustaka Sekolah akan share artikel mengenai Kumpulan ucapan selamat tahun baru 2016 versi bahasa Inggris. Yup tahun baru 2016 akan segera kita masuki, berbagai pengharapan atau resolusi di tahun baru 2016 nanti telah kita ukir dan diusahakan terlaksana pada pada tahun 2016 nanti, nah untuk menyemangati asa kita, berikut ini ucapan tahun baru 2016 yang tentunya diharapkan menjadi inspirasi kita semua, simaklah selengkapnya;
Kumpulan Ucapan Selamat tahun baru 2016 Bahasa Inggris
- SMiLE-it makes U look nice! PRAY-it makes U stronger! GIVE-it makes U richer! LOVE-it makes U know life!.
- Happy New Year 2016. May this new year bring us a new spirit to reach all your dreams, good health and a happiness forever…
- Happy New Year 2016, a new beginning for a better life. GBU ABUNDANTLY!.
- No regret about the past… No fear about the future… New hopes & dreams in 2016… Thankful to God for His blessings in 2016… Happy New Year !!.
- Only open HEARTS receive LOVE only open MINDS receive WISDOM only open HANDS receive GIFTS and.. only SPECIAL FRIENDS receive my Happy New Year greeting .
- let sun bring you hope let stars bring you rightness let love bring you happiness let my message bring you the dream come true happy new year 2016 wish you all the best
- 2 U & UR FAMILY GOD BLESS B-egin with L-ove in CHRIST E-xpect blessing S-hare goodness S-hine like the sun l-nspire everybody N-ever forget that G-OD is with u always Happy New Year 2016.
- Wishing u SUNLIGHT in u’r heart SUCCESS in u’r path ANSWERS to u’r prayers.. HAPPINESS in u’r life.. SMILE in u’r face.. Happy New Year 2016.
- FAITH makes all things possible, HOPE makes all things work, LOVE makes all things beautiful. May you have all three in this New Year 2016
- Happy New Year to you n your family. May the spirit brings you joy n happiness, n wish you all the best for the coming 2016 year!
- Simple music can make U sing. Simple hug makes U feel better. Simple things can make U happy. Hope my Simple Merry XMas & Happy New Year will make U smile
- May the peace and love of God fill each day of your life and light your way through the New Year. Wishing you and your family His Blessing always. Merry Christmas 2015 and Happy NEw Year 2016.
Demikianlah artikel mengenai kumpulan Kata-kata ucapan selamat tahun baru 2016 versi bahasa Inggris, semoga artikel ini dapat memberikan insporasi bagi kita semua.[ps]